Bakersfield Police Department

Ride Along


Join Bakersfield Police Department’s exciting Ride Along program and gain a firsthand experience of law enforcement in action. As a resident, student, or employee within the city, you have the opportunity to ride alongside our dedicated officers and observe their daily duties. Just ensure you meet the eligibility requirements and dress professionally. Apply below and be a part of something better. Be the sound of change with Bakersfield Police Department.

Bakersfield Police Department Officers on Patrol


The Bakersfield Police Department Ride-Along Program is offered to residents, students, and those employed within the City. Every attempt will be made to accommodate interested persons however any applicant may be disqualified without cause. The following factors may be considered in disqualifying an applicant and are not limited to:

    • Being under 18 years of age
    • Denial by any supervisor
    • Pending criminal action
    • Pending lawsuit against the Department
    • Prior criminal history

Suitable Attire

Any person approved to ride-along is required to be suitably dressed in a collared shirt, blouse or jacket, slacks or blue jeans, and shoes. Sandals, T-shirts, tank tops, shorts, and ripped or torn blue jeans are not permitted. Hats and ball caps will not be worn in the police vehicle. The Watch Commander or field supervisor may refuse a ride along to anyone not properly dressed.


Program Requirements

    • Must have a valid ID or California driver’s license
    • Once approved, civilian ride-along will be allowed to ride no more than once every six months.
    • An exception would apply to the following:
      • Chaplains
      • Citizen Volunteer Unit members
      • Police Cadets (formerly known as Explorers)
        police applicants
      • Reserves
      • Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol (RSVP)
      • all others with approval of the Watch Commander
    • No more than one citizen will participate in a ride-along during any given time period.
Ride Along Request


Exceptions can be made to ride for half of the shift or with specialized units as approved by the Chief of Police, Division Commander, or Watch Commander.
*Note: Requests to ride along with spouse or significant other is not permitted unless you obtain permission from a Division or Watch Commander.